Behind the Scenes: A Peak Inside a Large Production Run

Behind the Scenes:
A Peak Inside a Large Production Run

Many of you will be at the beginning of your candle making journey so thinking about producing a thousand candles at a time for a production run would be a little freaky.

#1_ Jack using Walter

Well, we have a lot of experience in large scale manufacturing and we want to share with you a sneak peak behind the scenes, to inspire you and let you know we are there for you to help you through the teething problems of scalability. 

Stay tuned for a series of blogs on Scaling Up!

Nothing says it better than a picture! In March 2023, Downlights supplied all 47 Briscoe stores across New Zealand with over 5000 candles and diffusers. The biggest issue we had was storage of the manufactured goods at an appropriate temperature AND the logistics of ensuring each store received the correct number of each fragrance. 

It was a massive job: setting up the barcodes for each product and the shippers, arranging the shippers, entering each store’s details into the accounting system and the courier system, creating the systems and protocols for unpacking/filling/packing/shipping/stock-take etc.

#1_ Curo Briscoes Range

Our team was exceptional and this was due to a solid operational strategy that was rigorously supervised to ensure top of the line production quality and delivery. As always, we spent months TESTING, TESTING, TESTING to ensure there were no surprises and we LOVE the range in Briscoe’s. 

The glassware, packaging and fragrances are all bespoke for Briscoe’s and the CURO range is still available throughout all Briscoes stores in New Zealand.

So stay tuned, and we will take you through a series on how to scale up your manufacturing to help you successfully grow your brand, from first hand experience!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this sneak peek into our factory. Is this conversation helpful so far? Need more advice? Give us a shout:
